Welcome to Our Costa Rica Travel Guide

Costa Rica vacation tips

If you're dreaming of your next adventure, our Costa Rica travel guide is here to help you make the most of your trip. Costa Rica is a paradise for nature lovers, thrill-seekers, and those looking to relax in beautiful surroundings. Whether it's your first time visiting or you're a seasoned traveler, our guide offers essential Costa Rica vacation tips that will ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Costaricantraveler.com works with the most important wildlife and conservation programs and projects in the country, while offering a unique and fun way to travel in Costa Rica. All of our tours are structured and organized, cooperating with local hotel and tourism professionals as well as the top conservationist in the country to provide a rewarding and memorable world-class experience.

We not only insure the safety of wildlife, as to not disrupt these fragile ecosystems, but also the safety of our travelers. Our team of professional guides and instructors consist of local environmentalists and conservation specialist who will teach you proper practices and techniques, so that you get the most out of your experience as a traveler and enjoy the best places to visit in Costa Rica.

About us- Costa Rica travel guide
Rafael Chavez - CEO